Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27th Birthday Girl

Today is my friend Hope's birthday. We've known eachother for almost a decade now but really didn't hang out till about 8 yrs ago. Our friendship has grown stronger and stronger since then and I'm so thankful to have a friend like her in my life. We've had our ups and downs, tears and laughter.

Hope, thank you for being such a dear friend to me. I will always remember the road trip to Kelowna together with Willow and Hunter which should only take someone 7hrs to drive but we took 11. I'll remember when Willow was sitting in your lap and we had to shove her down the front seat when the police car drove past. We've had some great moments and I truly appreciate the times we've shared when things have been really tough.

You are a caring person with so much to give. You reach out to those that need help and go the extra mile when needed. I think you have a true gift of creating ideas when things need to be accomplished and for motivating me to do the many things I have done. You've given me confidence and support when I needed it.

Thank you for showing me what the extent a friend will go to for someone when times are tough. Most importantly, thank you for laughing at my jokes.

You'll always be my know too much.


  1.'re so sweet! (crying a little)

  2. aww, that was a very nice tribute to a good friend :) i too, think hope is pretty ok!

  3. crying - again! and I missed it...darn!
