Monday, August 31, 2009

Church - Part 1

For a while now I've been thinking about Church. What it means to me? What I get out of it? What I put into it? What is required of me? etc, etc. I'm not sure where all my thoughts will lead on this journey but I thought I'd do it in parts for a couple reasons. A) Because I think the question 'What is Church?' is a loaded question with layers upon layers of meaning. And 2) (hee hee) I know some of you won't read a long post so I'll try to keep them as short as possible.

It will sort of be like jumping in the deep end on many occasions than swimming for long periods of time. Oh you impatient

My old definition of church.

When I was a kid I didn't like to tell people I 'went to church'. I remember at one time my twin sister was playing with a friend and my mom asked me to get her so we could go to Wed evening service. When I found her I said, 'Sharon, we have to go to.....(pause), (spelling it) with a u-r in the middle.'

I didn't want people to know we went to church. I'm not exactly sure why but probably because most of the kids in our circles of influence didn't go to church. I didn't know anyone who did. At least it wasn't spoken about. It's more common in the States I know and there would be 50 Church's of Christ in one city compared to our one church in the city I lived in.

Church to me back then was just a building and listening to some guy speak but not really listening because it was 'for the adults.' We would sit and write notes or try to be as quiet as possible. If we were out of line my dad would snap his fingers and we would be right in order again. I knew that when my dad snapped his fingers it was serious business. I sort of laugh at that now because if you knew my dad he was a frail man and sick most of my life ....actually, all of my life (most of his) and for him to have that much control with a snap of a finger amazes me. Oh how disciplined I was.

So, yes, church was a building. Seeing people on a regular basis and hanging out with friends. It's like setting a foundation for a stronger home later on in life. Memories.

And to think about what I asked my sister (to read into it a little). I spelt Ch - Ch. What was missing? 'U R'. That's right You Are.

My new digs

So, I've moved into a new place and feel quite at home for only being a couple weeks. It's still a work in progress and need to save some money to get a few more things but overall its looking pretty good, if I do say so myself.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The roller coaster summer

Wow, I can't believe the summer is almost over....again. I treasure the summer, relish in it and soak up almost every ounce of it. I wish it was longer but appreciate the moments we have. When its a nice day in Calgary.....its a NICE day in Calgary. No complaints here.

I just finished taking a walk along the bike path near my new digs in Inglewood and cranked up the tunes. I love the comfort of singing in the sunshine and feeling the cool breeze on my skin.

As I was walking I was reflecting on the summer and all that has happened. I've laughed, I've cried and thankfully there was more laughter than tears. I dated a guy for a short while and for some that doesn't mean much but for me it means alot because they are few and far between. That's a good thing though....I'm only looking for quality. The rest of the time is spent taking advantage of the single life.

Aside from boy stuff, I've started a business and has been great so far. Even though I've been painting indoors most of the time at least I'm not sitting at a desk and enjoying a view of a brick building and missing out on the sunshine. Some of my clients have views of the mountains or city skyline and its quite a picture perfect place when you're knuckles deep in latex.

I've also moved for the 10th time (at least) and my hope is to stay put for a while. I'm feeling quite at home here and my goal is to either die here or be married off but so help me if I need to pack up again!! The only time I would like to pack is if I'm heading off with my traveling shoes on a cruise or a beach.

I've even had the pleasure (sarcasm inserted here) of passing a kidney stone and making a trip to the hospital. I've never experienced that and the only reason why I'd want to experience that again would be so I can see the cute doctor Hope kept telling me about when I was crying in pain looking my 'oh-so-finest'!!

Most importantly I believe I've become closer with God and had some private/wonderful/tear-jerking moments with Him that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Thanks for the summer and see you next year! I'll be longing for you.

Because I said 'Yes'

Because I said 'Yes' I:

moved across the country and created a life outwest that has help characterize who I am.
have changed my job numerous times allowing me to be versatile in many areas.
got a tattoo.
moved to another province in hopes of love.
travelled to 6 different countries and loved e-v-e-r-y minute of it.
have many house sitting stories to tell (I need to write more).
stretched my comfort zone and have participated in different social groups (ie. working with teens, children, etc)
am saved.

Because I said 'No' I:

was able to enjoy a glorious day today and spend it singing and resting.
didn't have to do what I didn't want to do in the first place.
didn't do anything I would regret later on.
didn't marry you, or you or you...and even you and am all the better for it.
may have missed out on an opportunity and that is the only regret I do have in life but I'm also reassured that God has a plan for me.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Being 'wrong' or just being different.

Is anyone open to change? Do we all have to have the same glasses on? Why is it that when someone does some thing, says some thing, sings some thing, etc, why is it considered 'wrong'? Why do we think it is wrong when really all it is is doing something different to what we are used to?

I remember when I was in Gr 4 and there was a new teacher for one of my classes. She wasn't your average teacher in how she taught; granted she looked the part but her style or mannerisms were different than what we, as students, were used to. I think it might have been one of the first days in September and we sat down in our desks and one of the front desks was open so she took an opportunity to sit down on the desk part and threw her legs up on the chair part. Now, that doesn't seem too out of the ordinary but it was more the way she conducted herself that sort of threw up 9yr olds off. You see, she was wearing a long flowing skirt and when she sat on the desk she placed her hands between her legs but since the skirt was so big its not like you could see anything. Was it very ladylike? Not really but I think she was trying to make us feel like it can be a comfortable environment to be in and have a different view on the way a lesson is taught.

It wasn't until a few weeks, maybe not even that someone else replaced the teacher and I honestly think, looking back now, that it had to do with people commenting on her teaching style. Was she let go? Maybe I shouldn't associate her leaving with teaching style but I do remember it being the talk of the school.

Looking back I would say that she was just going against the grain but it wasn't to offend but just to look at school or learning through different glasses. Now that I'm older I would probably have liked her style because she wanted to put a personal touch on how we are taught.

So, why do we get our nose so out of joint when we experience some thing we aren't used to or its done a different way than how we're used to it being done?? I can understand if it isn't in our comfort zone but the thing that I would challenge you, me, us, we, people on is to NOT say that its wrong....It's JUST different. Nothing wrong with different as long as the message is still the same but the delivery shouldn't put out of joint so much.

Of course, I might get some one who will challenge me on this and that's fine. I am referring to a specific incident that happened recently without getting too specific and rather taking to a more generic level but get my point.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Family Camp

This weekend was our church annual Family Camp which we spent out in Kananaskis country. It's such a great place out there. I love the mountains, trees, fellowship, singing and relaxing in God's country. As much as I don't have a family out here and am by myself I consider my church family to be my family. I enjoy hanging out with the different families or feel comfortable enough to just sit by myself and read. It's nice to see the kids playing together and all of us feeling comfortable around each other just 'doing our thing'. Isn't that what family is all about?

I also love the fact that people from Journey get together with the Calgary Church of Christ family. It's sort of like a family reunion. It's like time hasn't passed and we just get together like its old hat. Granted there are more bruises this year with our family since last year but we are there to support each other and still be together as a unit.

I think my favourite part about family camp is....well, the things I mentioned above but laughing is definitely right up there. More stories are told, more embarrassing moments are had, people laugh at each other, people laugh at me, I laugh at me. It's just great.

At least I know I can go to bed tonight, reflect on the day/weekend and have a little chuckle and a smile on my face.

Yeah. Life is good. God is good.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Italy's Other Mafia

I’m currently reading a book called Gamorrah – Italy’s Other Mafia. It’s a little bit of a slow read for me since there is so much information that needs to be communicated and explained. Italians will have a better understanding of some of the terms since they are used more frequently, however, someone like myself may not recognize the meaning behind some of the words, such as, The Director, The System or the Secondigliano System, in an everyday conversation.

This book originally started out with this journalist/author doing a report on Italian Organized Crime in the spring of 2006. Roberto Saviano went undercover and actually worked for the Gamorrah which opened up a whole new world where he discovers how much of the world is controlled by the Mafia. This book goes into so much detail and revealing family names and what they do, what the Director is/does that this book became an international bestseller. Once the movie came out about it (released a year ago and you can probably rent it now) the Gamorrah was determined to have him killed by Christmas 2008. From a newspaper article I read a year ago, he was forced to separate from his wife and children and go into hiding due to this threat. I haven’t heard whether he is in the hands of the Gamorrah but the information so far is mind blowing.

I won’t go into too much detail about the book and if you are truly intrigued by it I would suggest you pick up a copy. I actually bought my copy of the book while I was in the Rome Airport last year waiting for my flight home.

To give you a snippet of one of the chapters I will try my best to paraphrase the meaning behind - The Secondigliano System. Little do you or I know but we have probably contributed to it in a monetary value at some point in our consumption of life.

“The Secondigliano System has gained control of the entire clothing manufacturing chain, and the real production zone and business centre is the outskirts of Naples.”

The Director manages and coordinates the production of the Secondigliano System. What other clothing manufacturer’s try to do honestly with paperwork, legal information, material used, etc., the Secondigliano System slips through and has touched every corner of the globe with their product. They have made imitation clothing that is so close to the original they refer to it as a ‘true fake’. The names on the labels are perfect BUT not the real thing. Brand names such as Valentino, Ferre, Versace and Armani could be imitations and sold all over the world.

Top designers also work for The System as well. There is one chapter entitled ‘Angelina Jolie’ because she wore a white suit to an Academy Award event made by a designer that didn’t even know it was for her.

If you think you aren’t affected by this or haven’t contributed to this you might want to think again. They’ve reached all of Europe and have touched the soil of Canada, US and South America. They have sold a particular pair of jeans in shops in New York, Miami Beach, new Jersey and Chicago and almost taking over Florida.

Naples is also the largest port at which everything or a majority of the world’s manufacturing goods are shipped out of. Not all of the containers will be inspected and therefore capital is astronomical and ‘amounts unimaginable for any legal industrial conglomeration.’

It truly amazes me that organized crime is SO intertwined in as simple as a pair of jeans but they make their millions and doing a great job of it.
Well, I haven’t finished the book but thought I’d share a very small portion of how much the Gamorrah actually control….and I’m only on page 40!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Resurrection

Recently I was asked a question concerning my belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And as much as I don't want to sound ignorant about this but I can't really recall I've been asked that so directly aside from when I was baptized. Of course, its not like people will ask that sort of question on a regular basis but I guess its just assumed that you believe when people know I 'go to church'. But, really, there are many people who may sit in a pew and even stand up front and not believe this to be the case. No joke. Shocking...but true. Good question though and challenges me to ponder upon.

When I was asked the question I wanted to really think about this and not just reply with a standard christian response. 'Why yes I believe!' I can only speak for myself but I really wanted to have a heartfelt response to this and not just say 'yes' but respond to why.

To delve more deeper into the question, it was being asked because it seems that most people only believe in the death, the cross and the grace that is given. The challenge is the acceptance of the resurrection, the life and the truth. The truth being that we are called to spread the Good News to others about the death and resurrection. It seems that we, as a society, or in western culture are more accepting of grace given and not following through with the life after the cross. However, it doesn't just stop at the cross. There IS a resurrection AND a Commission given to us as ambassador's of Christ's to tell others about this gift given to us. See also Matthew 28!

Why do we only stop at the cross? Because we want to receive but not give? Because we will be out of our comfort zone? Because we don't want to offend? Because we don't think we have enough knowledge? Because we think someone else will do it? Moses was just as hesitant when God called him to lead Isreal to the Promise Land and yet he became one of history's greatest leaders. I ask these questions myself because I feel or fear that my mouth can't put into words the excitement, joy, thrill and at some points, even tears to what my heart feels. Or rather, the Spirit within me.

So, let me ask the question. Do you/I believe the in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ? After some time of putting some thoughts together, I would say 'how could I not!' I'm grateful for the cross and what it has done for me. That someone like myself can mess up yet Christ loves me enough to die on a cross for ME so that I can spend eternity with him in heaven. Wow!! Isn't that amazing?! He knew we would mess up before time began. It's been in God's plan since before creation. I can never do enough deeds worthy to be in His sight so God sent His one and only Son. See also John 3:16!

Like Moses, I have disobeyed at times and have tried to run from hurt I've caused myself, others, God and yet He still finds me and I am humbled. He stills calls us at the burning bush to take off our sandals for this is Holy Ground and he desires us to be with Him. I believe in the resurrection because if I didn't all of this would be for nothing. The cross would be simply a tree dug in the ground with a man hanging on it without any purpose. My heart cries joyful tears for the resurrection for as He was sent into Heaven I long for the day that I will see Him come back the same way. If there wasn't a resurrection why do I do the things I do when some times I don't feel like doing them? I do things to please my Lord, my Saviour, my King, my Master. I strive to serve the way He did and am grateful for the example He's shown me when I know that I am ungrateful.

Some times, most times I feel my knowledge isn't deep enough to share the Good News. I some times feel like the blind man whose story was told in John 9:1-25. To me, he has simple faith, to which I appreciate and feel I live. When asked by the Pharisees who healed him and if this blind man thought Jesus was a sinner his reply was stated beautifully, 'I don't know whether he is a sinner, but I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!' That's how I feel my faith is: simple. I've been put to the task, I've been challenged, I've failed, I've been forgiven and all I can do is live a life that strives to hear Him say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!'

What if?

What if I:

didn't work so hard? Would I get my bills paid?
worried less? Would I enjoy life more?
worried less about what people thought? Would I do/say more?
stopped giving people money? Would they stop asking?
didn't change my oil this quarter? Would my car be okay?
didn't clean my house? Would it still stay clean?
wasn't depended on? Would I not be asked as much?
depended more on people? Would I feel less independant?
didn't say yes all the time? Would people eventually stop asking?
was more disciplined with food and exercise? Would I be smaller than I am?
was more accepting of myself (physically)? Would I be more attractive?
didn't laugh as loud? Would my laugh still be contagious?
stopped writing in this blog? Would people notice?
didn't wait on the Lord? Would my life be completely different?
had a family and 'dependants'? Would I be happy?
stayed single the rest of my life? Would I be happy?
didn't have God in my life? Would I be where I am today?
didn't have grace? Would I be.......

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm nervous about sleeping with Nicola Mooney tonight.

It's getting close to midnight and I see it in her eyes that we'll be heading upstairs soon.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just Friends's a question. Not sure if anyone actually reads my blog but here goes.....

Do you think that a girl and a guy can JUST be friends? Platonic. Nothing else. Just friends. No attraction from one to another or both.

Personally, I think that that is impossible. I think that no matter what, one or another or both will eventually start to develop feelings at one point or another. If you hang out with someone long enough then feelings would inevitably develop. I think its just IN us to develop feelings. If you like hanging out with someone long enough I don't see how feelings couldn't develop.

Relationships, any kind, are always on a trajectory (?) and there's always an ebb and flow so I don't see how at least ONE person in a relationship wouldn't develop feelings.

Thoughts?? Opinions?? Opinions are like butts. Everyone's got one and they all stink! So, please, add your comment!