Thursday, July 30, 2009

Singing with the neighbours

Today my job was to paint a garage door and the happenings of the day made me feel like this story should be in the movie 'The Truman Show'. Let me try to 'paint' this picture for you (no punn intended)

It's a beautiful sunny day, few clouds in the sky, slight breeze passes by once in a while. I'm in suburbia (?), the green grass is freshly cut, flowers are out, no mosquitoes about, and its quite peaceful with no sound of traffic or fast cars. There I stand in the driveway painting away and the neighbour kid (he was probably late teens/early 20's) and he decides he needs to clean his car. He flips on the radio just about the same time the neighbour across the street flips his radio on. It happens to be the exact same radio station and I thought it strange that both came on at the same time so I turned my head about and questioned whether it was just the radio next door with the sound bouncing off of the houses across the street. It was THAT quiet in the area.

Anyway, I shrug my shoulders to where the sound was coming from and enjoy the music. The neighbour kid next door starts taking out his floor mats and going about his business and all of us seem to be just enjoying the day. The radio then starts playing one of my favourite songs and when I love a song its hard for me not to keep from singing. So, I start bobbing my head and humming quietly so no one else hears me but I can still enjoy the song. Of course, the chorus starts belting out and I can't control myself any longer and start piping out the chords. I don't care at this point because I like the song and heck....with the scenario above how could I not enjoy the day with a song. It's like a cherry on top of a sundae!!

The part where I felt like I was in the Truman Show was when by the second time the chorus came on the neighbour kid starts singing as well and we're both just doing our thing, not looking at each other but just enjoying each other sing.

Does that really happen? Did that just happen today? It was a fun day and I thought that only happened in movies. Guess crazier things have happened.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


My last couple of posts have been more thought-provoking and longing for a deeper spirit and passion within. Well, as much as the angel on my shoulder whispers in my ear to exude passion, the little guy on the other shoulder in the red outfit plays a part in my every day as well.

I would have to say that driving is one of my vices. I drive. I drive fast. I get speeding tickets at least 3 or 4 times a year. You think I would learn by now but the more I can get done in one day, the more productive I feel. I could also write about how much I need to slow down and its 'not all about the destination as it is the journey.' BUT, I'm not. I could ....but...why? haha

Driving, I do it and I do it fast. I've decided to put in point form all the driving issues or pet peeves I have. That's right....I have a few pet peeves with those around me that don't know how to drive. Of course, I think I'm the one that is in the right most of the time. Granted I will admit when I'm wrong but that's so rare. haha

1) If the speed limit says one thing and you are doing Sunday driving then please proceed to the right lane. It's there for a reason and I need to be somewhere faster than you.

2) Do people know that the left lane is for passing? Or does that go out the window after you pass your test? I understand if the other lanes are full and you would rather be in the left lane but if your purpose there is not to pass someone then move. I try not to swurve in and out of lanes (I'm better at it than years ago) and I don't pass on the right but it drives me nuts when Miss. Slowpoke is in the left lane.

3) If you plan to talk on your we know many people do, myself included, than you better be able to keep up with how you would drive if you weren't on the phone. If you can't go the speed limit and talk on the phone then you'd best get off the road or phone pick.

4) Teenagers: I remember being there myself and doing stupid stuff in cars (not like that) but why do they insist on jumping up and down in a car and squabble about. I know, I know...they are teenagers.... I get it...but then again, I don't. It's more of an irritant than a pet peeve.

5) Women drivers: Am I generalizing? Heck ya. I could be worse....but I am refraining. Maybe I'm just a confident driver but some women are so slow or cautious. I think we need signs on our cars saying SD or FD (slow driver and fast driver) just like BC does with their 'N' or 'L' (New or Learner...or as I call it, Nerd or Loser - jokes, jokes).

That's all I have for now but I'm sure I'll add to this as life goes on.

Living in the moment

Currently I'm reading a book called Chasing Daylight by Eugene O'Kelly. He was the CEO of a company in the states called KPMG, however, was diagnosed with brain cancer leaving him only a few months to live (if that). Upon his diagnosis he started writing this book which transformed his life experience through his dying days. I find it quite entriguing and want to share with you a portion of it that I feel so strongly about and to which I feel I'm starting to notice in myself and long to strive for.

'I had always been a great believer in commitment, in every aspect of life that mattered to me. Total commitment to marriage, to family, to country, to coworkers, etc. To me, commitment equaled sacrifice, maturity, morality, certainty - virtues all at least to me. Unfortunately, though, commmitment, particularly in the business world, had come to equal time. Too often, your commitment was routinely measured by how many hours you were willing to work. By how much time you would take from your family. By how many years you were willing to live elsewhere,.... If you gave away huge amounts of your time, then it followed that you exhibited commitment. If you did not give so much time, then by definition your level of commitment was suspect.

.....I had come to wonder about the true nature of commitment. In fact, it's NOT about time. It's not about reliability and predictability. Commitment is about depth. It's about effort. It's about passion. It's about wanting to be in a certain place, and not somewhere else. Of course time is involved......But commitment is best measured not by the TIME one is willing to give up but, more accurately, by the energy one wants to PUT IN, by how present one is.'

How true these words are and how I hope for or long for that type of commitment that isn't just about time but rather about the depth and involvement I put into something!! I find that I run so much at lightning speed to get all that I need to get done in one day and, really, I need to ask myself....How much of what I'm doing is full of passion? How much commitment am I giving this (or that)?

I want a depth to run to my core and a passion that oozes out of me. I want a commitment that is through me to the point that my cup runneth over! What do I mean when I talk about commitment? I mean, anything I do on a daily basis. My devotion to God. My singing and praises to Him. My prayer life....oh yes, my prayer life. My commitment to my job and the tasks at hand. I want to 'work at it with all of my heart' (Colossians 3:23). And most of all, being an example or ambassador for Him who calls us.

The thing is, God only asks us for today. To not worry about tomorrow and not let ourselves be victims of the past. Just today. That's all.

God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.

Be intentional.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Passion Play

I've just gotten back from watching The Passion Play in Drumheller, AB. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a theatrical play depicting a few snapshots of Christ, his ministry, his death and resurrection. Drumheller is located approx 2hrs NE of Calgary in the 'Badlands' also known for the Royale Tyrell Museum.

I've been to this play before and, of course, have seen the movie The Passion but I think its good for the soul to revisit it every so often. The more I grow in Christ, the more I am drawn to trying to capture the realism that is himself, Christ. That he was sent from heaven by God and put a human touch to our faith and belief. Seeing him interact with those around him, his disciples, the crowds, the children and the rulers of the law gives me comfort that there is an example to which we are to follow. I know, I know....we all know that we should look at life asking ourselves, 'What Would Jesus Do?' but seeing the play again makes me realize (again) that we do have a standard to which we are to live. He was 'gentle and humble in heart' (Matt. 11:29), he had a demeanor, a personality, a sense of humor, a way in which he would restrain himself from correcting those around him (impulsive Peter or the betrayal of Judas) and most of all - P A S S I O N.

Is that our standard? Passion? Oh Lord, let me live a life full of passion and guide me when I am not so humble and gentle in heart! I try every day and in all of them I will fail at some point. I'm so thankful for the grace that is bestowed upon me and for something of which I am still trying to grasp.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Countryside

This past week I was working out at a friends house that was East of Okotoks. You pretty much have to pack a lunch to get there and considering that I'm currently housesitting in Rocky Ridge its quite the commute. As much as it is far to get there, the rewards far outweigh the trip. The house is about 25min outside of Calgary situated on an acreage with a beautiful landscape stretched around the property. On a clear day you can see mountains to the West and prairies to the East. Personally, I think its quite a deal being out there and the best of both worlds.

Even though I was raised, as a child, in the city and have only lived in the city it amazes how much I feel more at home out where there isn't a soul around. A country girl I am at heart. It is so peaceful and I thought I would feel lonely out there but ironically I felt more at peace. I didn't have access to the internet and at one point my phone died so I didn't have access to the outside world at all. They did have satellite television but I didn't turn it on once. How nice.

Amazingly I painted the whole house (1 coat) in 4 days and am quite proud of myself for the job I did. I seem to impress myself (anyway) with my painting skills and what I have accomplished so far. My deltoids are showing it also! I'm sure anyone reading this will care less about paint but I find it truely therapeutic and with being out there it was definitely what I needed. The only entertainment I had was good company, watching cows and reading the Bible. I was reading Joshua again, which I can blog about later but just having those peaceful moments was God-given and the perfect prescription to a much needed longing heart.

Friday, July 3, 2009

House Sitting Story #3

Is this #3 already? Or is it #4! Anyway, off to another story telling about my housesitting fiasco's. Of course, as I write this I'm sitting in a friends house taking care of their 2 cats and a snake! I'll be sure have a story after this stint as I'll be here a month. I swear, I should sell all my belongings and become a professional housesitter!

Well, this housesitting story doesn't only include water but it also involves 3 children and a load of crap! haha! Good way to start off, don't you think!? Last fall, Hope and Darcy were planning on going to a seminar in Great Falls, Idaho and would be away for a few days. Since they didn't want to take their children (Willow 8, Hunter 5 and Dawson 3), they had asked three of us to take turns and look after them. I was just getting back from Europe and would only take care of them for one night before H & D got back the next day. Well, problem. How hard can that be? HA!!

Being the giving person I am and one that likes to go the extra mile for people, I thought I would help Hope out and do a load of laundry. The kids were outside or running around the house and I decided to throw a load in. After an hour or so I went to throw it in the dryer and noticed that the water was rising around the drain and was slowly going down. I didn't freak out too much cuz I just thought it would eventually go down and it didn't ruin anything. Thankfully there was nothing around the drain, no carpets, furniture, etc to block it. I say that only because that has been one of the causes of previous water episodes.....obstruction to the drain!

As I waited for the water to go down, I decided to continue on with other chores, doing dishes and whathaveyou. When I checked on the drain later, the water hadn't gone down! In fact, it seemed to be rising. So, I put my thinking cap on and grabbed a pail and thought I could take the extra and put it down the toilet or something. I made sure the drain cap was off just in case there was something on top of it because I could see it.

After a few HOURS, the situation finally got the best of me and I thought I could handle it on my own and with the help of child labour. It was funny at one point when Dawson was helping carry some water to the washroom next to the laundry he raised his arms and shouted, ' This is Team Work!' Obviously, Hope had been instilling the idea of teamwork in her children and I thought it was so cute....and wonderful that he understood the concept and was enjoying this.

Of course, I couldn't call Darcy's brother for help because he was out of town and H & D were traveling back. They also couldn't talk on the phone because they would receive roaming charges so I was feeling alone at the task ahead and not sure how to handle it. The thought did cross my mind that this wasn't just laundry water but the sewer backing up. So NOW I had to deal with stepping in other people's crap and I couldn't even wash our feet because the water would come back up the drain.

After shedding a few tears, a couple friends coming over and Trevor Wise lending a helping hand, I finally stood in the shower with the kids, washed our feet and took the children to my house. It was a LONG day and one I wish to NEVER repeat again.

Lessons learned:
1) If you're housesitting and something happens, YOU don't have to clean up the mess. You are ONLY responsible for telling the owners and you can only do what is within your limits. Clearing out drains is NOT one of them.
2) NEVER put a potato down the toilet and go away for a few days. It calls for an unhappy housesitter.