Lord, I'm thankful that all your require from me is my heart because that's all I can give. I feel spent in many ways and working too much takes pretty much everything I have. The one thing it can't take is my heart for you and my longing to serve you continually.
It's funny how people won't give You their time and energy because they think you require too much but I feel the opposite. I feel the demand to work hard so I can pay my bills, use my phone, drive my car, put a roof over my head, put food on the table and any other pressure of daily life. If I miss a payment, however, there is a chance that one day someone will be calling me to remind me that I've missed a payment, etc, etc.
However You, Lord, wait patiently for us to return to You. We've turned our backs on You when we don't want You to see what we're doing. We've given up on You when we feel You haven't pulled through on our 'time'. We go to church when its convenient for us and as long as it doesn't interfere with our schedules. We go to church to be encouraged or filled up when really we should be thankful that we have the opportunity and priviledge. We have the freedom to serve You in a free country and we should want to be there because we can serve you together as a family and not just be there to see what 'we' can get out it. You deserve our time.
You give us so much that we take for granted and all You require from us is our heart. Again, I'm so thankful that that is all You require because my works have gotten me nowhere and will never bring me to the place where You dwell.
4 years ago
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