Monday, August 31, 2009

Church - Part 1

For a while now I've been thinking about Church. What it means to me? What I get out of it? What I put into it? What is required of me? etc, etc. I'm not sure where all my thoughts will lead on this journey but I thought I'd do it in parts for a couple reasons. A) Because I think the question 'What is Church?' is a loaded question with layers upon layers of meaning. And 2) (hee hee) I know some of you won't read a long post so I'll try to keep them as short as possible.

It will sort of be like jumping in the deep end on many occasions than swimming for long periods of time. Oh you impatient

My old definition of church.

When I was a kid I didn't like to tell people I 'went to church'. I remember at one time my twin sister was playing with a friend and my mom asked me to get her so we could go to Wed evening service. When I found her I said, 'Sharon, we have to go to.....(pause), (spelling it) with a u-r in the middle.'

I didn't want people to know we went to church. I'm not exactly sure why but probably because most of the kids in our circles of influence didn't go to church. I didn't know anyone who did. At least it wasn't spoken about. It's more common in the States I know and there would be 50 Church's of Christ in one city compared to our one church in the city I lived in.

Church to me back then was just a building and listening to some guy speak but not really listening because it was 'for the adults.' We would sit and write notes or try to be as quiet as possible. If we were out of line my dad would snap his fingers and we would be right in order again. I knew that when my dad snapped his fingers it was serious business. I sort of laugh at that now because if you knew my dad he was a frail man and sick most of my life ....actually, all of my life (most of his) and for him to have that much control with a snap of a finger amazes me. Oh how disciplined I was.

So, yes, church was a building. Seeing people on a regular basis and hanging out with friends. It's like setting a foundation for a stronger home later on in life. Memories.

And to think about what I asked my sister (to read into it a little). I spelt Ch - Ch. What was missing? 'U R'. That's right You Are.

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