Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Confession

This post is in relation to my previous one so if you haven't read it you might want to before spending time on this one.

I did actually buy some perfume today but it wasn't at Bath and Body Works. I did refrain from that BUT just before I was there I had been in Victoria's Secret. Now, whenever I go to the States I have to go there...it's essential. I love that place. When I was waiting in line to pay for my purchase (which was money my mom gave me so technically I wasn't spending my money) I saw a candle that I wanted to smell. The candle fragrance is Vanilla & Sandlewood. Oh my! It was so good, however, I didn't purchase it.


I paid for my items and went out of the store. Then I told my sister how good it was and I HAD to have it. Her response was, 'so get it' and how can I resist that. If I'm getting approval from my sister, my TWIN sister at that...how can I refuse.

So, yes, I did buy something and no it wasn't the candle. You see, they had a package all made up of particular items with that smell so now I have the soap and body spray but I was also generous and gave the lotion to my sister. I probably shouldn't have and could've used the money on something else but boy do I smell good. Love it! Period.


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