Saturday, September 26, 2009
Waffle Nights
It was so great! I loved it. Other families were invited as well and we would load up our plate with waffles and sprinkle them with an assortment of goodies. Fresh fruit, whip cream and even ice cream! I found it so strange but it tasted SO good.
Needless to say, the memory has stayed with me. So strongly has it stayed with me that I decided to start my own waffle nights and tonight was my first. My guinea pigs were my 'made-up' family consisting of John and Brenda Coghlin and Dale, Susan and Erin Hildebrandt. It was so much fun and so delish!!
I hope to continue the tradition and also make some good use of my new waffle iron!! Let the good times roll!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
I wish I could write music or poetry for that matter but alas all you readers will get is blabbering on a screen. I wish I could describe my faith, feelings, hope, amazement and grace into lyrics. The best way I praise God is through song and this song does it for me.
I love the way the writer describes how small we are in comparison to God with us being the shore and Him being the ocean. How vast is that? We are but a drop in the bucket of time and a tiny speck in all of creation yet He chooses to live in our hearts. How amazing! How humbling! How can we not fall to our knees with the power that He exudes and the glory that He is?
I know I keep saying 'humble' or 'humility'. I seem to use it as a blanket to cover a conglomerate of feelings. Well, what do I mean by that? I guess my definition of humility is knowing that although we mess up there's a God in heaven that continues to love us. I've had my share of mess ups and I guess if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be as humbled as I am. I know I wouldn't be. I feel honored that God in heaven, as wonderful as He is, some One that shines so bright we would be blinded by His Light cares enough to send His perfect Son to die so that our imperfect selves can be with Him. How can we not be humbled by that?
Moses was considered to be the most humble man and I don't think he got the title because he had a squeak-clean past. Some times it takes bumps in the road, some bigger more than others to help mold us into who God wants us to become. David was considered a 'man after His own heart'. He wrote wonderful poetry and was devoted to God but we all know his sketchy past as well.
I know I've said this line before but God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. He takes all our experiences and we can use them for good - if we let Him. That's humility.
What Do I Know of Holy?
The song reminds me of Job and his struggle. Throughout the book of Job his friends tell him, ask him, and challenge him of what He might have done to deserve the punishment given. Through the loss of children, enduring excruciating pain of boils to the point of sitting on ashes and to top it off his wife adds fuel to the fire by telling him to curse God and die. Although he undergoes all of that he still does not sin. However, God’s response to him begins in chapter 38.
The LORD Speaks
The Lord continues to question Job’s knowledge and challenges him for another 3 chapters to which Job’s humble response is given in Chapter 42. Talk about humbling!1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said:
2 "Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?
3 Brace yourself like a man;I will question you, and you shall answer me.
4 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand.
5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?
Who are we to challenge God? He has plans for us and we are so arrogant to put Him in a box or make Him out to be something of far lesser value than He is or deserves. We want control of Him and sift through the Word for what we want to hear and not what we need to hear.
It reminds me of another passage which is one of my favorites.
Isaiah 40:12-31
The Lord asks all these questions putting us in our place of who we are and how big He is. Yet He concludes with (I want to quote the NLT version as I love how its put):
27 O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles?O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights?28 Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.29 He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.30 Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion.31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.Isn't that amazing?! How can we not have confidence in our God?! What blessed assurance!
What Do I Know of Holy?
By Addison Road
I made You promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from Heaven
But I talked the whole time
I think I made You too small
I never feared You at all No
If You touched my face would I know You?
Looked into my eyes could I behold You?
What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know?
What do I know of Holy?
I guess I thought that I had figured You out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How You were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who You might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees
(CHORUS)What do I know of YouWho spoke me into motion?Where have I even stoodBut the shore along Your ocean?Are You fire? Are You fury?Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?What do I know?What do I know of Holy?(CHORUS 2)What do I know of Holy?What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?And a God who gave life "its" name?What do I know of Holy?Of the One who the angels praise?All creation knows Your nameOn earth and heaven above
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mooney Moments
Over the last month I've been able to gain a couple friends (Maggie, age 2, and Lyla, age 5 months, even though Lyla doesn't know it), laugh alot, and truly appreciate the responsibilities that a mother has to carry. I am considering writing another blog that pertains to motherhood all on its own as right now I just want to reflect and praise the Mooney family.
I have to say, Maggie and Lyla made the adventure easy with Maggie's bubbly attitude and Lyla's relaxed nature. I didn't have any sleepless nights with either of them and I think that is half the battle. As much as I will see them frequently (church and social events), there's nothing like spending one-on-one time with each of them.
Remembering Maggie Moments
I will miss:
- The way she says my name - Bucky!
- The way she says her name (emphasis on the 'M') - Mmmmmaggieee Mmmmmoooneyyyy!
- When she would like something she will say 'but I love it SO much!'
- Singing Itsy Bitsy Pider, Building up the Temple and all the other favorites of hers
- Asking me to sing Itsy Bitsy Pider and saying, 'Sing it again Bucky, sing it again!'
- Showing me how MUCH she loves Dora and Diego! (I think I almost called her Dora once)
- The way she says, 'Swiper no swiping'and Áw, man!
- Cuddling with her on the rocking chair when she missed her mommy and daddy!
- The way she'd always wake up with a smile on her face and so happy to see me even if I wasn't mommy or daddy!
- The way she loves her sister Lyla.
- When I put on a pair of Lyla's pants on her. They fit, they just looked like capri's and Nic had to tell me they weren't Maggie's!
- The way she rubs your arm when you read to her.
- When she wants you to read the Dora book for the umpteenth time and she never tires of it!
- When I ask if she'd like to do something and she says, Óh, good idea!
- When she was talking to her shovel and asking if it wanted to slide down the slide and its response was (from Maggie), Óh, Good Idea!'
- The way she would run to mommy and daddy when they came home!
Remembering Lyla Moments
I will miss:
- Feeding her late at night some nights and she is half asleep. So peaceful.
- The way she laughs. Her smile is going to break hearts!
- Snuggling with her and she's so content.
- Her big eyes!
- Listening to her scratch the side of the crib at night.
- The way she will wake up some times and not say a word, no crying, just laying there with big eyes open. So precious!
- Listening to her talk away (that happened just this past week only).
- The way she doesn't fuss when big sister Maggie gets right up in her face and loves her to bits.
- The way she sleeps.
I can't believe I was only here a month. Could you imagine if I were here longer!? I'm sure I have more moments but they will be locked in my head and heart forever. Those Mooney girls are precious and it's been a priviledge.
Remembering James & Nic Moments
I will miss (there weren't many as I didn't spend near as much time with them as the girls):
- Seeing how much they laugh together.
- Seeing how much they make each other laugh.
- Seeing them dance. Wow!
- Seeing James in a mullet!
- Seeing them communicate.
- Seeing them love their girls!
- Seeing James crash on the couch as soon as the last piece of food was in his stomach.
- Seeing Nic try to drag James upstairs to bed.
- Folding their laundry!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Praying for stretch marks
He (Tim) actually had a unique way of reading those verses to the congregation. First he read it the way we would normally read it but then afterward he broke down the verses and read each verse backward (not word for word but verse by verse). The context of the verse is when Jesus is praying in the garden before his crucifixion.
I can't go into all of the sermon but the one anology he had really stuck with me. It goes like this:
V 15. - All that the Father has is mine; this is what I mean when I say that Spirit will reveal to you whatever he receives from me.
He used an analogy of a suitcase and is giving it to Jesus. What is in the suitcase is all of God's glory, majesty, everything He created and is passing it over to him.
V 14. - He will bring me glory by revealing to you whatever he receives from me.
Since Jesus has been given the suitcase with all of God's glory, majesty, and everything that God created Jesus will now take that suitcase and bring it with him to earth. His purpose on earth is to share with you all that is in that suitcase.
V 13. - When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting his own ideas; he will be telling you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.
V 12. - Oh, there is so much more I want to tell you, but you can't bear it now.
Jesus wants to share with us all that is in the suitcase but to share all of it would be unbearable to us. We cannot handle all that God has in store for us.
Tim later went on to challenge us to pray to stretch and grow that we may take in all that God wants us to enjoy and flourish in His glory.
Lord, I pray that You will stretch me farther than I can imagine. That I will learn more of Your truth and grow deeper in Your knowledge. My fear is that with these requests will be things that will challenge me and with challenges can come tears or hurt but I know You will be with me. You only give us small bite-size amounts because we can only handle so much so I pray that I can take on more of what you want me to be and strive to become. Lord, I pray for spiritual stretch marks so people can see the change in me because I'm growing faster than if I was complacent in my life.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Taking the high road
The fact is - I'm single. That's right. Plain and simple. Over the last month or so I've had some revelations about some things but also some events have come up that have led me to my utter confusion.
My revelation has been that I have chosen to be single and quite frankly I'm glad that I'm in the state that I am. To many, they will say that I am looking too hard and some may even say I'm (gasp) desperate. Quite the contrary now that I think of it. The reason I say I've chosen to be single is because I've chosen to not get married or settle with some one that doesn't fit the criteria that I feel in my heart of hearts to be the one God has chosen me to be with. Whew~ long sentence! Like I've stated in a previous post I said that I could've been married a few times over but that person did not stand up to the qualities and character that I'm looking for. Before I get ahead of myself I do want to say that I'm not looking for perfection. I can't. We all have our skeletons to which I have mine as well and to that I am so thankful for God and His grace in my life. What I am looking for is someone that can take their past, regardless of the faults and know that they are forgiven and is striving daily to live to the standard that God has created. I can't change my past and refuse to be a victim of it and I would only expect the same of some one I choose to be with.
The events that have happened recently come in two separate occasions but tie in together and it amazes me that both have occurred so closely together. Both situations contribute to my confusion and if someone can please tell me why it is happening or if I'm contributing to this some how to let me know. In a loving way, of course. ;-)
So lets cut to the chase. Because I'm single and 35 AND never been married the pickins' now-a-days are getting slimmer and slimmer. The few available/eligible men that are close to my age seem to not even give me the time of day. They seem so far removed from making any slight indication that they would even like to go for coffee. Just as friends even. I think I'm a pretty friendly, happy person and to just get to know someone is no harm done but it seems (to me) that even if we go out it's like I'm saying 'I do.' I would just like the opportunity to hang out with a guy some time instead of doing the same old, same old 'girls nights out'. To my married friends its a treat (girls nights out). To me, it's old hat. Coffee or a night out would just be a breath of fresh air. To my knowledge, I don't think I give off any indication that I'm desperate and honestly, I'm so busy with my business or involvement in church that I feel I've put guys on the back burner. Seriously! If I were asked out I'd look at it as a compliment and opportunity but by no means am I rushing to the altar.
The flip side of this is that the men that I am getting attention from are that of married men. Yes. Within the last month if I wanted to go out or 'get attention' from a male it would be like pulling teeth from a single man but was fingertips away from a married man. What's the deal?
I will be honest and say that yes, the compliments make me feel good. Who wouldn't want something nice said about them?? However, I would prefer it to be in the proper context! This is where I find it utterly confusing. Why is it easier for a married man to say that he thinks I'm 'hot and if he were single he'd jump at the chance to be with me!'? I understand that a married man can probably say it because he has nothing to lose but honestly it doesn't make me feel so great either. As much as I (or any woman for that matter) would love to hear wonderful accolades I prefer it to be God-honoring. I also know that if I were their wife I wouldn't want my husband to be talking to someone else they way he was talking to me. And anyway, why couldn't the guy say those things to me before he makes a committment before God and man? Why would I only be 'good enough' afterwards. Forget that!
I really don't think I ask for much and I'm trying to take the high road with the approaches or lack of approaches that are made. As much as it can be frustrating I know that I need to lean on God and wait for His timing and run from the other opportunities that present themselves. I've waited too long to mess this up because Satan wants to entice me with flattery.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Church #3 - What you put into it.....
In my last post I stated that I feel that the church here is my family and will be there when needed and support it with all of my being. I have to say that its like any relationship though. I have developed a relationship with the church members here. I've volunteered time, worked at the building, developed relationships with many of the members and it is all summed up with two words - 'Getting involved'.
If you don't get involved than how do you plan to feel connected? Personally it drives me crazy, I repeat, crazy when people say they don't feel connected or leave because they don't have a strong relationship or any relationship with any or all of the members. To that, my instant response would be, 'How did you get involved to do your part of trying to get connected?' If you have tried than my apologies and the members didn't do a fantastic job or assist with a godly perspective on trying to help you feel connected. However, to those who have not earnestly given it a offence, but for shame.
I don't think that church is a catering service. In fact, its quite the opposite. We are called to serve and offer the gifts God has given us. It took me a good two years before I really started to make some relationships that will last a life time. Yes, I was involved, joined small groups, participated in activities but I really didn't connect closely with some that I would call my dearest and 'bestest' of friends till 2 yrs after I moved here.
If you want/desire to be more connected with the church I really don't think you will achieve that by only attending Sunday morning service. That isn't enough time. It's all about time and how much you're willing to give of it to reap the benefits of a flourishing relationship with God's Church.
Does it take effort (from both sides)? Absolutely!
Does it take time? Hands down!
Does it take patience? Of course and unfortunately yes.
Did the relationship with your partner/spouse/best friend/coworkers/etc happen overnight? Most likely not and we (I'll include myself here too) shouldn't expect that from church either. I think the Calgary church does a great job of reaching out to those in need and extends themselves on a continual basis. But we have to remember that there are two sides to a relationship and we need to ask ourselves what responsibility we are taking when developing this commitment and bond.
If we aren't feeling connected maybe we should consider the following questions:
How am I involved in this congregation to help make a difference in the relationships I would like to develop?
How can I make use of or use the gifts I've been given to build relationships and make an impact here?
What small group can I be a part of that will help me connect with others?
Aside from Sunday morning service how can I be involved?
I hope that you, the reader, can appreciate my perspective on this and know that I say this with love, experience first hand and a heart that wants those who don't feel connected to give more of your self to help in connecting with God's people. It's worth it.
Church #2 - Family
Before I even knew it or appreciated the concept of it I was a part of this family. Whether it was in the Windsor Church where I grew up or here in Calgary where I have lived for the past decade. The week before I was leaving to come here the church in Windsor had a good-bye party for me and gave me the luggage as a gift, which, I still use today. I find it so intriguing now because at the time I had NO idea what I was getting into or understood this huge move I was making but it was one of the best decisions I made.
The church in Windsor supported my decision to move and blessed me with their prayers and rejoicing. And before I even knew it, I was welcomed here in Calgary. I had a little bit of a bumpy ride my first month or so here but if it wasn't for this Church family here I don't know if I would've survived.
I don't have immediate or blood family at this congregation and the closest ones are 3hrs away. But, definitely the Church here in Calgary is my family and I don't know what I would do without them. The members make me feel welcome, loved and appreciated. I know I can count on them when I need it but also I know that I would be there for them when the chips are down or when we want to rejoice and give praise. They've also welcomed me back when I moved to BC and when things didn't turn out the way I (and everyone) hoped or expected, the congregation here was the one I clung to.
Most of the time I call the building my second home here in Calgary because I am there so much during any given week. In fact, I was seriously considering having my mail sent there since that is the only thing constant in my life. I have moved 10 times in this last decade and in every quadrant of the city but the one thing constant in my life is the location of the building and my second home. Isn't that true of our relationship with God anyway?
The other day I was talking with someone who said they moved here 4 short years ago and has had to adjust to depending on herself and spending many hours, days and nights by herself. I asked how she did it because I don't know if I would've made it. Aside from the fact that I am a social person I think that we are built to be in contact with others on a constant basis. How do people do it without the Church?
Church is not a building. Church is family, a relationship, God-created, God-given and such a blessing in my life.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Outhouse Story #2
A few weeks ago I attended our annual Church Family Camp which was quite relaxing, fun and of course have wonderful memories that will last a life time. Unfortunately this year there are a few stories that I don't wish to be repeated but alas they will never die so I might as well say it myself.
On the Sat, there were a few of us hanging around, sitting in our lawn chairs enjoying each other's company when the topic of outhouses happen to come up. Actually, I think it has to do with the fact that the night before Susan and I were making one last pit stop before heading to bed and didn't want to have to wake up in the middle of the night to have to make the cold treck later on. I decided to let her use the female outhouse and I thought it would be okay to use the men's. I mean really....what is the big deal if I use the men's. We're all at camp, a hole in the ground is a hole in the ground so who cares. Wrong!
It was dark out and I thought I had locked the door but apparently I hadn't because I was starting to 'prepare' or unbutton my shorts when I hear a young boy (won't mention any names since he's under age and I'm embarrassed need for two of us to bear the brunt of jokes) yelling to his fellow camp friends that he just needed to use the bathroom for a second. Well, as I'm hearing him say that a rush comes to my mind (and starting to unbutton at the same time) of, 'Oh, I hope I locked that door properly'. Well sure enough.....the door swings open and he yells, to which I am saying, 'Wait! Wait!' All this chaos about us and his response was, 'Well, you should lock the door properly!' And in my defence I cry, 'But I tried!' I wasn't sure who was the adult and who was the child in that scenario but it was just a collision of embarrassment!!
Which leads me to the next day when I was telling the folks sitting in a circle about the events of the night prior. Now I was TRYING to get the attention off myself from the embarrassment of the night before and thought I could mention the story about the hard labour I had done as a camp counsellor/teenager. The ONLY problem was and my advice to anyone wanting to tell an outhouse story is that your leading line should NOT start out with: 'Hey, I filled one of those one time!'
Really I don't mean to walk into these events.....I guess I seem to 'fall' into them! Oy!
Outhouse Story #1
Years ago, when I was a teenager I worked at a Christian Camp on Manitoulin Island. Strawberry Point Christian Camp was such a fantastic place!! I loved the outdoor atmosphere and I loved the idea of 'roughing it' out in the open sky and fresh air. It was definitely a contrast to Camp Omagh and I had to get used to the fact that there was no running water and I also got to experience the wonderful smell and use of Outhouses.
Before every camp season would start the counsellors would be on site a week prior to prepare for the kids coming, training and cleaning up the grounds. Since there was no electricity our light was supplied by the sun or lanterns and manual labour was put to the test with using the weed wacker to cut the grass.
One of the years our job was quite.....messy (to put it politely) and the job required of us was moving the outhouse (the top part of it anyway) to another location. The old location had been filled to the brim and we needed to dig another hole. Since we couldn't leave the old hole open the counsellors job was to get large rocks (I'm talking huge) and drop them in the hole. This was quite a task and 'splashy' so it was quite crappy say the least and NO pun intended. Most of the girls didn't want to help out cuz it was so 'gross' but I wanted to test out my muscles and show off to the boys how strong I was so I continued to help fill the hole. After a few hours, the hole was filled, dirt packed down and the new outhouse location was a success.
Now, I tell you that story to lead you into the one as of late. Please see Outhouse Story #2.
Monday, September 7, 2009
My overused sayings....
- Seriously!
- Seriously? (there's a difference)
- Are you serious!
- It's a good thing you're pretty.
- Well, you're not just a pretty face.
- Why do people keep asking me to housesit?!
- you have a minute?
- There are two reasons why (fill in the blank). #1. (My answer). And B).
- Big laugh. Big smile. Nuff said
- Go away Cutie!
House Sitting Story #4
It was only a few short weeks after the potatoe/sewer episode that I began my next house sitting adventure. I had warned the homeowner of my previous episodes and was determined to not let anything happen over this next 'stint'. And, although those sort of things are out of my control I still wanted to make sure I knew where the shut-off valve was for the water. The homeowner reassured me that nothing would happen since they just replaced the hot water tank a few months prior and there was no need to be concerned. To which my response was, 'HA!'.
Sure enough, I was performing my routine of changing the litter box or feeding the cats and when I walked down to the basement what do I see before me?! WATER!!! Again! Actually, I think that was my response before saying a couple curse words. 'WATER AGAIN!' You CAN'T be serious!
I've learned now that instead of freaking out I need to just take a deep breath and assess the situation....and look for the shutoff valve that wasn't shown to me in the first place. I then noticed that water was spraying from the waterline hose and onto the litter box which made quite a mess. Oh big or go home I say!
Long story short, I called the brother-in-law and he came over with some duck tape. This was of course after I decided to try a couple handles and such and accidently turned off the furnace. I only found that out later when it was freezing cold weather and I had a cold shower that night to boot!
Oh yes,....this was also the house sitting place that ties in with Underwear Story #2 posted a few months back. Talk about a trip I wish to not take part in again!!