Well, I'm not sure if I have more outhouse stories but let me start with this one. Maybe since I'm writing a number behind it the more the stories will occur since that seems to be my luck!!
Years ago, when I was a teenager I worked at a Christian Camp on Manitoulin Island. Strawberry Point Christian Camp was such a fantastic place!! I loved the outdoor atmosphere and I loved the idea of 'roughing it' out in the open sky and fresh air. It was definitely a contrast to Camp Omagh and I had to get used to the fact that there was no running water and I also got to experience the wonderful smell and use of Outhouses.
Before every camp season would start the counsellors would be on site a week prior to prepare for the kids coming, training and cleaning up the grounds. Since there was no electricity our light was supplied by the sun or lanterns and manual labour was put to the test with using the weed wacker to cut the grass.
One of the years our job was quite.....messy (to put it politely) and the job required of us was moving the outhouse (the top part of it anyway) to another location. The old location had been filled to the brim and we needed to dig another hole. Since we couldn't leave the old hole open the counsellors job was to get large rocks (I'm talking huge) and drop them in the hole. This was quite a task and 'splashy' so it was quite crappy ....to say the least and NO pun intended. Most of the girls didn't want to help out cuz it was so 'gross' but I wanted to test out my muscles and show off to the boys how strong I was so I continued to help fill the hole. After a few hours, the hole was filled, dirt packed down and the new outhouse location was a success.
Now, I tell you that story to lead you into the one as of late. Please see Outhouse Story #2.
4 years ago
I think that I see where you are going with this.