Monday, September 14, 2009

Church #3 - What you put into it.....

That's right. It's the age-old saying: What you put into it is what you get out of it. And I think this firmly applies with that of Church and Church family.

In my last post I stated that I feel that the church here is my family and will be there when needed and support it with all of my being. I have to say that its like any relationship though. I have developed a relationship with the church members here. I've volunteered time, worked at the building, developed relationships with many of the members and it is all summed up with two words - 'Getting involved'.

If you don't get involved than how do you plan to feel connected? Personally it drives me crazy, I repeat, crazy when people say they don't feel connected or leave because they don't have a strong relationship or any relationship with any or all of the members. To that, my instant response would be, 'How did you get involved to do your part of trying to get connected?' If you have tried than my apologies and the members didn't do a fantastic job or assist with a godly perspective on trying to help you feel connected. However, to those who have not earnestly given it a offence, but for shame.

I don't think that church is a catering service. In fact, its quite the opposite. We are called to serve and offer the gifts God has given us. It took me a good two years before I really started to make some relationships that will last a life time. Yes, I was involved, joined small groups, participated in activities but I really didn't connect closely with some that I would call my dearest and 'bestest' of friends till 2 yrs after I moved here.

If you want/desire to be more connected with the church I really don't think you will achieve that by only attending Sunday morning service. That isn't enough time. It's all about time and how much you're willing to give of it to reap the benefits of a flourishing relationship with God's Church.

Does it take effort (from both sides)? Absolutely!
Does it take time? Hands down!
Does it take patience? Of course and unfortunately yes.

Did the relationship with your partner/spouse/best friend/coworkers/etc happen overnight? Most likely not and we (I'll include myself here too) shouldn't expect that from church either. I think the Calgary church does a great job of reaching out to those in need and extends themselves on a continual basis. But we have to remember that there are two sides to a relationship and we need to ask ourselves what responsibility we are taking when developing this commitment and bond.

If we aren't feeling connected maybe we should consider the following questions:
How am I involved in this congregation to help make a difference in the relationships I would like to develop?
How can I make use of or use the gifts I've been given to build relationships and make an impact here?
What small group can I be a part of that will help me connect with others?
Aside from Sunday morning service how can I be involved?

I hope that you, the reader, can appreciate my perspective on this and know that I say this with love, experience first hand and a heart that wants those who don't feel connected to give more of your self to help in connecting with God's people. It's worth it.

1 comment:

  1. You have hit the nail right on the head Becky!
    We all need to be reminded now and then that we will get out of something (Church especially) exactly what we put in. How would our spouse, child, friend like it if we spoke to them once a month maybe and were too busy to spend one on one time with them. That is not a relationship. Keep writing, Patti C.
