Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mooney Moments

Well, its the last night that I will be a nanny for the Mooney girls. For those that don't know what is going on, James and Nicola Mooney won a contest to be a part of a reality show called 'My Rona Home'. The show airs Oct 4th, City TV Calgary, 8pm ( The idea is that they will be competing against another couple to build a house (from drywall inward right down to pillows on the bedspread). Due to the commitment they needed ón set' they needed a full time babysitter, enter mio!

Over the last month I've been able to gain a couple friends (Maggie, age 2, and Lyla, age 5 months, even though Lyla doesn't know it), laugh alot, and truly appreciate the responsibilities that a mother has to carry. I am considering writing another blog that pertains to motherhood all on its own as right now I just want to reflect and praise the Mooney family.

I have to say, Maggie and Lyla made the adventure easy with Maggie's bubbly attitude and Lyla's relaxed nature. I didn't have any sleepless nights with either of them and I think that is half the battle. As much as I will see them frequently (church and social events), there's nothing like spending one-on-one time with each of them.

Remembering Maggie Moments
I will miss:
  1. The way she says my name - Bucky!
  2. The way she says her name (emphasis on the 'M') - Mmmmmaggieee Mmmmmoooneyyyy!
  3. When she would like something she will say 'but I love it SO much!'
  4. Singing Itsy Bitsy Pider, Building up the Temple and all the other favorites of hers
  5. Asking me to sing Itsy Bitsy Pider and saying, 'Sing it again Bucky, sing it again!'
  6. Showing me how MUCH she loves Dora and Diego! (I think I almost called her Dora once)
  7. The way she says, 'Swiper no swiping'and Áw, man!
  8. Cuddling with her on the rocking chair when she missed her mommy and daddy!
  9. The way she'd always wake up with a smile on her face and so happy to see me even if I wasn't mommy or daddy!
  10. The way she loves her sister Lyla.
  11. When I put on a pair of Lyla's pants on her. They fit, they just looked like capri's and Nic had to tell me they weren't Maggie's!
  12. The way she rubs your arm when you read to her.
  13. When she wants you to read the Dora book for the umpteenth time and she never tires of it!
  14. When I ask if she'd like to do something and she says, Óh, good idea!
  15. When she was talking to her shovel and asking if it wanted to slide down the slide and its response was (from Maggie), Óh, Good Idea!'
  16. The way she would run to mommy and daddy when they came home!

Remembering Lyla Moments
I will miss:

  1. Feeding her late at night some nights and she is half asleep. So peaceful.
  2. The way she laughs. Her smile is going to break hearts!
  3. Snuggling with her and she's so content.
  4. Her big eyes!
  5. Listening to her scratch the side of the crib at night.
  6. The way she will wake up some times and not say a word, no crying, just laying there with big eyes open. So precious!
  7. Listening to her talk away (that happened just this past week only).
  8. The way she doesn't fuss when big sister Maggie gets right up in her face and loves her to bits.
  9. The way she sleeps.

I can't believe I was only here a month. Could you imagine if I were here longer!? I'm sure I have more moments but they will be locked in my head and heart forever. Those Mooney girls are precious and it's been a priviledge.

Remembering James & Nic Moments
I will miss (there weren't many as I didn't spend near as much time with them as the girls):

  1. Seeing how much they laugh together.
  2. Seeing how much they make each other laugh.
  3. Seeing them dance. Wow!
  4. Seeing James in a mullet!
  5. Seeing them communicate.
  6. Seeing them love their girls!
  7. Seeing James crash on the couch as soon as the last piece of food was in his stomach.
  8. Seeing Nic try to drag James upstairs to bed.
  9. Folding their laundry!