Over the last month I've been able to gain a couple friends (Maggie, age 2, and Lyla, age 5 months, even though Lyla doesn't know it), laugh alot, and truly appreciate the responsibilities that a mother has to carry. I am considering writing another blog that pertains to motherhood all on its own as right now I just want to reflect and praise the Mooney family.
I have to say, Maggie and Lyla made the adventure easy with Maggie's bubbly attitude and Lyla's relaxed nature. I didn't have any sleepless nights with either of them and I think that is half the battle. As much as I will see them frequently (church and social events), there's nothing like spending one-on-one time with each of them.
Remembering Maggie Moments
I will miss:
- The way she says my name - Bucky!
- The way she says her name (emphasis on the 'M') - Mmmmmaggieee Mmmmmoooneyyyy!
- When she would like something she will say 'but I love it SO much!'
- Singing Itsy Bitsy Pider, Building up the Temple and all the other favorites of hers
- Asking me to sing Itsy Bitsy Pider and saying, 'Sing it again Bucky, sing it again!'
- Showing me how MUCH she loves Dora and Diego! (I think I almost called her Dora once)
- The way she says, 'Swiper no swiping'and Áw, man!
- Cuddling with her on the rocking chair when she missed her mommy and daddy!
- The way she'd always wake up with a smile on her face and so happy to see me even if I wasn't mommy or daddy!
- The way she loves her sister Lyla.
- When I put on a pair of Lyla's pants on her. They fit, they just looked like capri's and Nic had to tell me they weren't Maggie's!
- The way she rubs your arm when you read to her.
- When she wants you to read the Dora book for the umpteenth time and she never tires of it!
- When I ask if she'd like to do something and she says, Óh, good idea!
- When she was talking to her shovel and asking if it wanted to slide down the slide and its response was (from Maggie), Óh, Good Idea!'
- The way she would run to mommy and daddy when they came home!
Remembering Lyla Moments
I will miss:
- Feeding her late at night some nights and she is half asleep. So peaceful.
- The way she laughs. Her smile is going to break hearts!
- Snuggling with her and she's so content.
- Her big eyes!
- Listening to her scratch the side of the crib at night.
- The way she will wake up some times and not say a word, no crying, just laying there with big eyes open. So precious!
- Listening to her talk away (that happened just this past week only).
- The way she doesn't fuss when big sister Maggie gets right up in her face and loves her to bits.
- The way she sleeps.
I can't believe I was only here a month. Could you imagine if I were here longer!? I'm sure I have more moments but they will be locked in my head and heart forever. Those Mooney girls are precious and it's been a priviledge.
Remembering James & Nic Moments
I will miss (there weren't many as I didn't spend near as much time with them as the girls):
- Seeing how much they laugh together.
- Seeing how much they make each other laugh.
- Seeing them dance. Wow!
- Seeing James in a mullet!
- Seeing them communicate.
- Seeing them love their girls!
- Seeing James crash on the couch as soon as the last piece of food was in his stomach.
- Seeing Nic try to drag James upstairs to bed.
- Folding their laundry!
Awwww...that's so sweet. Especially the mullet.
a mullet...after 30? poor nic