Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hopefully it's just the beginning

So far 2010 is looking pretty good. Job-wise I am starting to pick up some painting jobs and they are turning out larger than expected. Although I didn't get a job at the City last week other things are starting to look promising. Yeah! I love painting anyway so it's a win-win situation.

Also, I'm going on a date tonight. I say that loosely but's a date. I think now that I'm older and have been let down time and again I have little or no expectations. Although, I will say the guy must be pretty smart since he's taking the chance on going out with a great gal such as myself (had to throw that in there). I haven't gotten all giddy about it the way I might have years ago and haven't even thought past tonight. In fact, I haven't put much thought into any of it. Gosh, I just picked out what to wear 10 min ago. And, I'm sure most women can agree that that thought pattern is normal for us. So for any men reading this, yes we think FAR in advance to prepare for everything.

The only thing I expect is for him to show up and us to have a fun time. Of course, I have had a friend that has been stood up a couple times which I think is just awful. I pray that never happens to me but never say never, right?

Anyway, wish me luck and don't expect any details. Not that there will be much to tell ....I just don't expect anything past tonight and I'm totally cool with that. It's just a fun night and it's not a girls night. Most of my friends or all of my girlfriends are married and love girls night. Well, no offence but that is every night for me so I'm going to relish in the fun and 'laugh until my cheeks hurt.' (see the icon on the left side of your screen)

Hopefully it's just the beginning of a good year. ;-)


  1. Yay!!!! I am SUPER excited...message me and tell me who!! I'll try to catch you online!!! Hope you have a great time!!

  2. What CB said. Well, except only tell me if you want to.

  3. Woohoo!!! SOOO excited for you!

  4. ...and I quote....'don't expect any details.' What you know is enough. But it was fun.

  5. I hope you had a great time and that it is the first of many this year!
