Sunday, January 10, 2010


I think the older I get, the more I appreciate the hymns that I used to sing as a child. I still remembering when I first started learning how to sing alto and it sort of just came naturally. Going to Sunday evening service was one of my favourite past times. The smell of the building and the setting sun shining through the stain glass window which was a deep yellow/orange colour so the auditorium looked very dramatic are memories still fresh in my mind.

I may not be able to relive the memories of the past but I'm glad that I have a fresh new take on some of the old hymns. I take to heart, have a deeper respect and can grasp the depth of the words that were penned many years ago.

Now some of my favourite songs are ones like: Nearer Still Nearer, I Need Thee Every Hour and Just As I Am. I can't get enough of them and can listen to them over and over. They may be older songs and not the 'hip' songs of today but the words mean more to me than ever before. Maybe it has to do with my maturity now that I'm an adult but if anything I think it has to do with the deeper understanding I have for grace in my life. I know I mess up every day and once in a while the song 'I Need Thee Every Hour' will come into my head just as a reminder that I can't do this journey on my own.

I hope more people can be thankful for and value the songs of old even when there may be other 'cooler' songs to sing. There's something about the way they were written and why they were written that leave an everlasting impression on my heart. I know that when I am old and grey with a blanket over my knees those will be the songs I want to hear. I may sound old now by saying all this but as you know, I'm still young at heart. These are just fond memories.

I need Thee, O, I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee
O bless me now my Saviour
I come to Thee


  1. I feel the same way, Becky! One of my favorite is "O Sacred Head" (but part of that is because it has a cool alto line!). But, oddly enough, the one I have meditated on the most lately is "I need Thee every hour." The words are timeless. SO many of the older hymns have such deep meaning. It's quite humbling, actually, to think about where the writers were coming from when they wrote these. I'll bet not from that different of a place than most of us are right now.

  2. Sure wish we would sing more of the oldies. They hit much deeper for me. I like the praise songs, but at times, we need to be reminded with the words of the hymns. Just As I Am... beautiful (the song, that is).
