This weekend I'm going to Breakforth Canada which is a huge Christian conference in Edmonton. Aside from the fact that it's usually butt cold there and it's in Edmonchuck (as some would say), I absolutely love it. I enjoy the speakers and the bands that play but I think my most favorite part is seeing everyone in one room at once.
With 15000 people the hallways can get quite crowded and it feels like any mall on Christmas Eve but when everyone is singing praises to God it's quite a magnificent view. Personally, I like sitting at the back of the auditorium so I can see everyone. When the stage lights scan the audience and all you see are the tops of their heads I envision what a small glimpse of what heaven will be like. When you have that picture in your mind it sort of blows you away at the magnitude God and heaven are. I'm sure the mere 15000 people would barely cover the hem of his robe but, again, it puts it into perspective of how big our God is. Whew! What an encouragement!
With that thought, I'm off! I hope to praise God, soak up some wisdom and be a sponge! Praise be to God!
See ya folks!
4 years ago
Correction....7000 people. I thought it was 7000 but their website said 15000.