Friday, December 4, 2009

The angel looking over me

A part of me feels I should apologize for the way I've been 'acting' lately. Some may not have noticed but possibly by the most recent blog posts or if you've talked with me you may have noticed I've been having some hiccups in my life. To put it lightly.

Well, to be honest, yes I have been experiencing some bumpy roads in my life and in some ways I feel like I'm in a boxing ring trying to get back up but for one reason or another I seem to get knocked back down again. Could it be worse? Absolutely! Could it be smoother? For sure. And I'm the first one to state that 'this too shall pass' and I know it will but I think it is also fair to say that its okay to be down for a bit as long as you don't stay there. Seems I've been down for a while but with the combination of working alot and working hard it doesn't make the load lighter to relieve some stress.

A part of me is just a little stubborn and want to get out of this pit (financially, emotionally, etc) on my own but I've also had to learn to swallow my pride and just plain ask for help. What do I need help with? Well, it could be something as simple as changing one of my light bulbs in my hallway or hanging a shelf but regardless I still need an extra set of hands. I also wish I had someone to fight my battles for me to for when people don't treat me nicely like the guy who took me out for my bday. Some times I just get tired of trying to stand up by myself from being knocked down.

Of course, I do realize that I do have friends that will be there for me when I'm in real need. I know there is Someone looking out for me, loves me, wants the best for me and will provide for me even when I don't think I can do it. A good friend reminded me to only look to today and tomorrow but not worry about next month. God also says we should only look to today and some days that's all I can manage. Today only. God can look after the rest. He always provides.

In some ways I feel like this is a Psalm. David would vent his frustrations but then near the end of the it will turn to God and rely on Him to be his refuge. My words may not be as fancy but this is it.

Onward and upward.....


  1. You WILL make it out of this pit. And God IS with you just reach out and grab his hand. Write down 10 positive things about yourself - I think you'll remember them longer if you think of them then if I tell you. I love you!
