One of the pleasures I have participating in church is that of singing on the Praise Team. Aside from the fact that I love to sing, its nice to be a part of something that contributes to Sunday morning service and giving praises to God through song. One advantage I feel that I find a blessing is having the opportunity to face the congregation and see their faces. I'm more of a personable, outreach person that likes to see people's faces not just the back of people's heads or the big screen in front of me.
I was standing in front of everyone this morning and seeing all the familiar faces is so encouraging. Once in a while I will make eye contact with one person or another and then we smile. It's silent communication at the same time of praising God together. How special is that? In fact, some people try to make me laugh since I'm up front and no one else see's the faces people will make but the other members get to see my face turn red and trying not to laugh. At that point I'm mainly mouthing the words since I'm trying to control my laughter.
I also have the pleasure of seeing what's going on through the service as well. A few months ago I was standing up front and we were singing a song shortly after the children were dismissed and I enjoyed having, well really, front row seat to what was about to happen. To my left was Aisling G. singing away while her husband sent their triplet boys out to class. During about the second verse I saw one of the triplets (followed by another) running down the aisle looking for mom. Unfortunately they were on the other side of the auditorium from their mom so I had the pleasure of seeing them run up and down the aisle's yelling, 'Nope! Not this one!' until they finally saw her. Of course, it was about that time that Stephen came strolling in after them and then they proceeded back to bible class. Oh what memories and no one gets to enjoy those little moments but us up front.
Ah, family. We're a part of it whether we want to or not. We meet each Sunday and I'm so blessed to see everyone's familiar faces.
4 years ago
haha, that's awesome. I'm so glad that my family can be a part of the amazing moments you have when you're up there blessing us with your beautiful voice. Now I just need to get myself back up there with you so I can experience those moments again(after an almost 5-yr absence!)