Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Smellin' like onions

Last night I wasn't feeling too good, you know, runny nose, headache and the like. I'm trying to prevent getting sick because of this big trip I'm about to embark on next week and also I can't afford to pass the sickness on to my mother who is about to have surgery. So I mentioned this concern to my friend and she suggested I put an onion in my bedroom at night. She had heard from....well, I don't know where, that it helps keep or destroy the bacteria. I'm not really sure about this but I'll give it a try and the worst thing that could happen is that my room will smell like an onion for a day or so but I can get rid of that no problem.

This morning I woke up earlier than I thought and I didn't have to be anywhere till around noon so I thought, well, I better get myself downtown to see the judge about this speeding ticket I got. On my way to church I might add!! So, I get myself dressed, didn't bother to shower because I will be painting later and will take it after. At this point I could smell some of the onion but thought it was just because I was still in the same room as the evidence sitting on my night table.

When I got downtown I was standing in line to hand in my paperwork of my traffic violation and with the air being still I could smell the onion....STILL!! Great! I noticed at that point why the people around me didn't stand so close!! Then I have to plead my case before the judge in a small room all the while smelling like an onion! He's going to either reduce the charge to get my smelly ass out of there or keep it the same because I should've at least taken a shower before entering his quarters. Thankfully he reduced my charge because I told him flat out that I couldn't afford to pay the original amount and that I was on my way to church. I'm just glad he didn't think I had an onion in my pocket so I could start crying and giving him a sob story.

Lesson learned: If you're gonna try to have an onion in your bedroom to prevent getting more sick at least take a shower as soon as you wake up.


  1. funny!

  2. i'm kinda surprised that the lesson learned wasn't obey the posted speed limit....;)

  3. I've tried....hell will freeze over before that happens.

  4. zing....good one Brandi! ha ha

